Since I posted my 50lb progress picture this week, I have gotten a lot of questions about what my secret is. So here you go, here’s my big secret…. I ate less food. I’ll share with you some of my tips on HOW I ate less food without going crazy, though. These might […]
Author: Carrie

Update 2: Moving In!
We officially got the keys to our new place on July 1st. While we appreciated the free housing Mark’s company provided for us, he was more than ready to be done with hisĀ 10 mile commute to and from work that typically took almost an hour! He became acquainted with that lovely Southern California traffic right […]

Update 1: The First Month
Whoops! I neglected my blog too long and forgot to update! I guess I have a lot to update everyone on, so I’ll do it in a few posts. The last major update I posted only got you up through our road trip out here, so first I’ll cover our move and finding our new […]

Weather is happening!
Look! It looks like rain! I know theseĀ rain clouds are probably something those of you back in Illinois would rather not see. I feel for you, I really do! But if you know me at all, I get really excited about weather. So when I got an alert on my phone for rain and looked […]

Since we had two cars that needed to be re-homed to California, Mark and I each had to drive out separately. Mark had to attend a week of training in the Bay Area so he left about 10 days before I did. My parents graciously offered to make the drive out with me, so I […]

First Impressions
I’ve now been in California for two whole weeks. I was surprised when I looked at the calendar and discovered it’s ONLY been two weeks. I left on the 6th with my parents for a three day road trip to get the rest of our stuff and our other car out here. My first experience […]
We made it!
We made it to California! Details will be coming soon. Just imagine me sitting by the pool writing up blog entries. :)